22th birthday!!
my 22th birthday....
gt old ad...
celebrate with my frens jux nw....
receive surprise from my bf... a banquet of flower with 2 bear bear....
so pretty n cute leh...

n my frens buy me a choc cake n kfc... haha... vry full after tat...
2moro wan go cs dating n having lunch in kim gary coz gt 50% discount for member... haha....

c my present ~ polo club britannia watch...
i take the shot like model rite?? hahaha....
cont... celebration on sundy...
hving dinner in Dong Seoul Korean BBQ restaurant near Sutera Mall....
vry deli neh... 1st time eat the korean food... my hubby cnt accept most of the food,
bt i like it vry much... especially wrap the BBQ meats with vege, chili, n garlic...
so tasty n nt so spicy mah....
my hubby dun like eat the vege so he eat the meat with rice....
i oso like the 11 side dishes n the taufu sup....
eventhough my hubby dun like the korean taste bt the whole set of meal reali make us vry full....
actually food sell thr is more than RM20 in one set ,
bcoz it is quite big set...
RM20 炒年糕 cn eat with 3 or 4 ppl... so the price is quite acceptable...
so nxt time if wan go again, i think i should bring more frens to go,
nt jux me n my hubby lol... haha... coz quite hard to finish it if jux 2 of us... :p

gt old ad...
celebrate with my frens jux nw....
receive surprise from my bf... a banquet of flower with 2 bear bear....
so pretty n cute leh...

n my frens buy me a choc cake n kfc... haha... vry full after tat...
2moro wan go cs dating n having lunch in kim gary coz gt 50% discount for member... haha....

c my present ~ polo club britannia watch...
i take the shot like model rite?? hahaha....
cont... celebration on sundy...
hving dinner in Dong Seoul Korean BBQ restaurant near Sutera Mall....
vry deli neh... 1st time eat the korean food... my hubby cnt accept most of the food,
bt i like it vry much... especially wrap the BBQ meats with vege, chili, n garlic...
so tasty n nt so spicy mah....
my hubby dun like eat the vege so he eat the meat with rice....
i oso like the 11 side dishes n the taufu sup....
eventhough my hubby dun like the korean taste bt the whole set of meal reali make us vry full....
actually food sell thr is more than RM20 in one set ,
bcoz it is quite big set...
RM20 炒年糕 cn eat with 3 or 4 ppl... so the price is quite acceptable...
so nxt time if wan go again, i think i should bring more frens to go,
nt jux me n my hubby lol... haha... coz quite hard to finish it if jux 2 of us... :p

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